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VESTIBULAR UFF/1997 - Inglês - Grupo J - 2ª Etapa |
São Paulo: Street Corner to the World
"A MOUTH WITH A THOUSAND TEETH." That was how the writer Mário de Andrade described São Paulo's ravenous skyline a half century ago. What would he say now? By all accounts, Brazil's largest city ought to have exploded. Disaster-mongers have for years been predicting a filthy, divided, crime-ridden megalopolis of monstrous proportions by the turn of the century. To be sure, 5 São Paulo is all those things. While the superrich helicopter to work, the poor huddle below in slums of tin and raw brick; the middle classes, meanwhile, barricade themselves behind triple-locked doors. And the poverty is getting worse. In the 1970s, 15 of every 100 newcomers ended up in the favelas, or slums; last year 85 of every 100 did. Crime has soared. The annual carnival set a grim record last year: 163 murders in four days. 10 But São Paulo has a lot going for it, too. No one knows if the population is 16, 19 or 22 million but all agree that its growth has slowed considerably. Though industrial jobs are waning, high-tech and service positions are on the rise. The city's GPD is $ 105 billion; if it were a country, it would rank among the world's 20 richest - fourth in South America. Its infuence goes beyond economics. Paulistas buy half of all books sold in Brazil, and the 15 prestigious University of São Paulo has drawn renowned scholars like Claude Levi-Strauss and Fernand Braudel. Few cities are as ethnically and racially diverse; 4 million Paulistas have Italian surnames, and the million-strong community of Japanese ancestry is the largest outside Japan. Poles, Germans, Ukrainians and Koreans, Jews and Arabs live side by side. "This city is a great street corner", says Rodolfo Konder, the city secretary of culture. "The whole world meets up here."
1st Question: (1 mark)
a) Tick the statement that is TRUE about São Paulo according to the article.
( ) There are more people of Japanese descent than of Italian descent in São Paulo.
( ) With so many immigrants, São Paulo is the stage for continuous racial conflicts.
( x ) More immigrants end up in the São Paulo slums now than twenty years ago.
( ) São Paulo has stopped growing altogether.
b) Now find a sentence in the text to justify your choice.
In the 1970s, 15 of every 100 newcomers ended up in the favelas, or slums; last year 85 of every 100 did.
2nd Question: (2 marks)
b) Find (a) word(s) or phrase(s) in the text that have been used to mean the following:
3rd Question: (1 mark)
Not everything about São Paulo is bad or negative.
4th Question: (3 marks)
What do you think Mário de Andrade referred to when he described São Paulo as "a mouth with a thousand teeth"? (line 1)
Why does the author of the article say that "the middle classes...barricade behind triple-locked doors"? (lines 6-7)
What do you think Rodolfo Konder meant when he said: "This city is a great street corner.
The whole world meets up here."? (lines 18-19)
5th Question: ( 3 marks)
a) Tick the words you think have been used with a negative connotation in the text.
( x ) disaster-mongers (line 3)
( ) racially diverse (line 16)
( x ) barricade (line 6)
( ) street corner (line 19)
a violent big city: crime-ridden megalopolis
well-known: renowned
a person with great knowledge of, and skill in studying, a subject: scholar
very dirty: filthy
next to one another: side by side
Transcribe a sentence from the text that has been written to express the following ideas:
São Paulo is more than just financially important.
Its influence goes beyond economics.
But São Paulo has a lot going for it, too.
Answer in your own words:
He referred to the great number of high buildings that look like teeth in a big mouth.
Because they feel threatened by the ever-increasing level of violence in the city. They feel unsafe.
He meant to say that since São Paulo's population is largely composed of immigrants from all over the world, it can be compared to a busy street where people of different origins meet.
Rio de Janeiro is...
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